Thursday, 19 March 2015

Eucalypts and other honey bee forage plants – what you can do to help our honey bees

By Mbulelo Mswazi and Carol Poole, South African National Biodiversity Institute 

A recent study undertaken by the South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI) revealed that gum trees, certain crops, indigenous trees and shrubs, flowering plants in suburban gardens and even roadside wildflowers or weeds are all critically important to South Africa’s indigenous honey bees.

Forage availability and accessibility for honey bees are a large constraint to beekeepers in South Africa, who manage colonies to harvest honey and provide a pollination service to growers of pollination-dependant crops.  A lack of good quality and variety of forage can lead to unhealthy honey bee colonies that are more vulnerable to pests and diseases.  This, in turn, can lead to insufficient pollination of our important agricultural crop flowers, leading to decreased yield or quality of the food crop.

You can thank a pollinator for one out of every three bites of food you eat, as insect pollinators are needed for approximately 35% of all food production globally. Honey bees pollinate about 50 crops in South Africa, and this pollination is worth approximately R10,3 billion per annum.

A major factor in the decline of honey bees around the world is a lack of good forage plants that provide the nectar (carbohydrates) and pollen (protein) sources that bees require for their nutritional health. It is therefore critical to plan and conserve agricultural and peri-urban landscapes to support our honey bees.

Eucalypts as an important forage resource

Beekeepers in all South African provinces are dependent on gum trees as a forage resource for their honey bees.  Eucalypts provide a reliable pollen source and nectar flow, and can be used almost year-round as there are several species that flower at different times of the year. 

Some Eucalyptus species can invade land and have a negative impact on biodiversity and water resources, or cause erosion and increase fire risk.  However, because gum trees have value (for timber, for bees, for shade, for aesthetics, for protection from wind and dust, etc.), they should only be cleared where they are invading and have a negative impact.  This is why the Alien and Invasive Species Regulations (promulgated under the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (NEMBA) in 2014) are nuanced for eucalypts.  Landowners should know that not all gum trees need to be removed.  Eucalyptus species within streams (riparian areas), protected areas or ecosystems identified for conservation purposes should be removed.  Six species are listed in the Regulations as “Category 1b” invasive species, which means they must be ‘controlled’ even outside riparian areas.  But even these listed gum species can be demarcated by permit as Category 2 Invasive Species under NEMBA as bee-forage areas, wind-rows or woodlots.  Several gum species that are important bee forage (e.g. Eucalyptus sideroxylon and E. gomphocephala) are not listed in the Regulations and therefore could be maintained or planted in non-riparian areas.  

Find more information on the NEMBA regulations and specific eucalyptus species on

Beekeepers are highly dependent on eucalyptus and the unconsidered removal of eucalyptus will cause a serious shortage of honey bee forage.  Landowners who have eucalyptus on their land are encouraged therefore carefully consider any removals and make sure they are adhering to the Alien and Invasive Species Regulations.

What we can do for honey bees

Crops, indigenous plants and weeds are also critical to South Africa’s honey bees.  All landowners play an important role in providing habitat and forage for our managed and our wild honey bees.  In addition to the eucalyptus ideas above, you can help in any of the following ways:
  • Allow beekeepers access to utilize the forage resources on your land, and work with the beekeepers to make sure hive sites are secure and inaccessible to vandals.
  • Protect your natural vegetation through incorporating pollinator habitat or forage concerns into agricultural best practice, land-clearing authorizations (i.e. do not unnecessarily clear virgin land), Environmental Impact Assessment processes, and landuse planning policies and tools.
  • Consider planting indigenous bee-friendly plants when gardening, planting wind-breaks or when rehabilitating after a development (e.g. dam walls, road berms, etc.)  Be sure to plant plants that are appropriate to your specific area. Check with your local nursery for subspecies or varieties that occur locally to avoid invasive problems or hybridisations with veld species in the vicinity.
  • Honey bees will visit any flowering crop (especially the very attractive ones like canola, lucerne, sunflowers, citrus) as well as other flowers and weeds. Please take this into account when spraying chemicals – consult the label and adhere to its instructions. Be careful of chemicals when gardening too.
  • Encourage public land planting programmes (e.g. under power lines, along road verges, or urban greening programmes) to consider bee-friendly plant species first.
  • Consider planting complementary crop plants (such as lavender or basil) or fodder crops (like clovers or vetch), or rotate land with legumes crops, as these are all important honey bee forage. 
  • Do not unnecessarily spray or remove weeds that are attractive to bees (e.g. wild radish, cosmos, etc.)

Indigenous plants that stand out as important forage for South African beekeepers include: fynbos plant species (e.g. ericas, proteas and mesembs), several species of aloe (including mountain aloe), shrubs like wild asparagus and buchus, and indigenous trees such as Vachellia karroo (sweet thorn) and Ziziphus mucronata (buffalo thorn). Many regional vegetation types (like Karoo, Bushveld and indigenous forest) are also critical.

Ø    Bee-friendly policies and practices can help increase agricultural production or yield.

Fewer honey bees could mean fewer crops, less food and more poverty for humans. We all have a role to play in looking after this vital insect.   Enjoy planting and protecting forage resources for our honey bees!

Lists of bee-friendly plants are available on (search “bee-friendly”)
For more information, please contact Mbulelo Mswazi on

Photo credits:
  1.    Landscape showing bee forage (Tlou Masehela).  This image shows eucalypts in the foreground, canola in the middle and fynbos on the mountain in the background – all critical forage resources important to beekeepers in the Western Cape.
  2.      Eucalyptus flowers (Mike Allsopp).
  3.     Beekeeper in fynbos.  A beekeeper monitoring his colonies located in an indigenous forage area.

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Threats, challenges and opportunities: youth and agriculture

As the Centre for Development and Enterprise (CDE) has set out in its 5-million jobs document, youth excluded from the labour force for long periods are deprived of on-the-job learning opportunities – and no-one learns as fast as youth.

The International Labour Organisation estimates that between 80 to 100 million youth worldwide are unemployed. Prolonged inactivity and a potential growing distrust of political and economic systems do not augur well for a country.

But there is another cloud on the horizon.

We've known for some time that we have an ageing population on our farms. The average age of farmers (and farm workers) is older than it has ever been. Today on 702 Talk Radio we heard that average age of the commercial farmer globally is 54. In South Africa, it is 62!

Imagine the issues that arise from the prospect of there not being sufficient candidates in the next generation to take over producing our food! Omri van Zyl of Deloitte Agribusiness set some of these out:

  • Food shortages
  • Poverty index rising in a decade or two
  • Agriculture’s contribution to the country’s GDO in jeopardy
  • Food price inflation
  • Having to import what we currently produce ourselves

But let’s go back to the first cloud and look at three statements:

  • High levels of unemployment and lack of skills amongst any country’s youth present a threat to that society.  
  • High levels of unemployment and lack of skills amongst any country’s youth present a challenge to that society. 
  • High levels of unemployment and lack of skills amongst any country’s youth present an opportunity not to be squandered.

Could the high rate of unemployment amongst the youth be an opportunity for agriculture?

What if African governments placed a higher premium on agriculture? As we have said in the youth chapter of The AgriHandbook, Africa relies heavily on agriculture for its GDP (the average is 35%). It makes sense that African heads of state would sign the Maputo Declaration committing to invest 10% of their annual budgets to agricultural development and research. Very few have reached this target. If they don't take agriculture seriously, what chance the youth? 

The private sector would be sure to follow the lead provided by African governments investing in agriculture. Enabling policies, well-functioning markets and support to commercial and small-scale farmers would encourage success – and job creation. And the more the young see a thriving agricultural sector, the more they will be attracted to it.