Monday, 6 July 2015

Half a century

The Grassland Society of Southern Africa (GSSA) is the umbrella body representing those with an interest in range and pastures. Of course, that covers a wide range of disciplines including ecology, botany, zoology, range and pasture science, animal science, soil science and genetics.

Our very best greetings to them: the organisation turns 50 this month! The annual congress will be held at the Royal Agricultural Showgrounds in Pietermaritzburg from the 21 - 23 July.

The GSSA is relevant to several chapters in The Agri Handbook, including Rangeland/veld, Forage & pastures and Seeds & seedlings.

Find the review of The Agri Handbook which appeared in the GSSA's African Journal of Range & Forage Science here.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for you kind birthday greetings.

    Thanks to the abiding and sustaining fascination of all things grassy, we remain an inquisitive and vigorous quinquagenarian, ready for for adventures into the wonders and myriad ecological mysteries of our unparalleled verdant veld.

    Warm regards
    the GSSA
