Monday 20 November 2017

Going, going ...

We came across an infographic by TuskPhoto recently: a list of 10 endangered African species.

Some of these species are covered in the “Wildlife on farms” and “Birds and farming” chapters, and are central to programmes run by groups like the Endangered Wildlife Trust. Included here are the riverine rabbit (less than 250 adults left), the cheetah and the African white-backed vulture.

White and black rhino are on the list. Since the 70’s they have been intensively poached. Northern white rhinos were declared “extinct in the wild” in 2011, and only three individuals are left on the planet. Rhino horns are used in Chinese medicine to treat a variety of health issues. Other countries that buy rhino horns are South Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam. While the governments of these countries do not take action the poaching will continue.

Other animals on the list are the Ethiopian wolf (only wolf species found in Africa), the African elephant, the Mountain Gorilla, the African Penguin and the African Wild Dog.

The infographic contains pictures of these ten species along with short notes on the reasons for their dwindling numbers in the wild.

TuskPhoto run wildlife photography tours and safaris.

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